Hate dealing with bureaucratic shit mongers. They are

by welpwhattodo

Hate dealing with bureaucratic shit mongers. They are in the business of shit logistics; moving shit from any place in the universe straight to your lap. For an additional cost, your face.  The system is clogged up like the pipes that are supposed to transport crappy ass shit from your momma’s toilet. To protest this we, in theory everyone – In reality the imaginary reader aka no one, must take to streets and shit on the system. For best results preferably near the top of the system. Which I believe generally coorelates to the physical world in terms of floor level and floor space. Some sorta algorithm should describe it. Expensive furniture is now a seat for your bare ass and depending on whether you take laxatives, the resting place for shit.

Its time help bring about the translation of the omnipresent metaphorical shit into actual literal physical shit.