Where did my motivation go? Oh wait that could only happen if I had any motivation ha.ha.ha.ha

Everyday that goes by drags me closer to the abyss of nothing.

If you stare into an abyss long enough, you become the abyss. ( Reworked the quote a little but I feel that it makes more sense…somewhat).  italicization symbolizes digression

I have a startling lack of motivation; too easily pulled into meaningless tasks like checking facebook updates, tracking torrent progress, jacking off, WATCHING REPEATED EPISODES ON TV. That reminded me I forgot to set up post-it notes on my desktop. Done. I have even expanded the set of productive things to include shit like watching new episodes of one of the billion tv series I have not completed or caught up with.

Alright no facebook. yeah fuck yo momma. not gonna click on torrent progress. Lets start with this for now. Also i am going to reflect on how laziness does or doesn’t affect my productivity. I feel that I put too much blame on laziness. Maybe not. Let’s see/think.