Hahaha I am the mailman providing you with this post addressed to the internet

by welpwhattodo

feli elif eifl leif fiel flei…..

A wonderful gift we should be thankful for or a ship for a doomed adventure? I can’t even answer this question for myself, so I shall not attempt to give an absolute answer. But I doubt that such a thing exists. Maybe its both, kind of like a quantum state. Maybe one’s life will make up its mind and give an answer to the mind, perhaps very near the time of death. After that nothing exists or matters right? I guess I will leave this question till later.

Now for less subjective/pointless questions on life maybe?

Or maybe facts(?). Life is staggeringly beautiful and we don’t even know what it actually is (maybe this makes it that much more beautiful) but of course it doesn’t mean its a wonderful experience for the person experiencing it. (This kind of implies that a person exists when he is not alive, which I guess is in the domain of religions and other thoughts that guess as to what is after and before existence but since I am an atheist who believes that there is an absolute nothing before and after life, I find that the way I use the word ‘person’ amusing.) I hope to try and understand how life/ consciousness is achieved, but I am a lazy ass who hasn’t gotten round to develop my understanding on this matter. No matter, what does it matter if I know what life or consciousness is? Not like its going to matter. Nothing else matters. But I dont want to die and end my life with so many unanswered questions. I guess I am cursed with a symptom of the human condition: curiousity; making any and every question matter. 

To the reader, if he/she exists, I don’t have any useful insight to give on the subject of life. Feel free to provide me with some.